Product Designer


PM, Design Manager, Engineers, Testing, Marketing


Summer 2023

“Funsport is a kiosk machine product developed for PE teachers to help them increase teaching efficiency and performance”


I was responsible for designing a student dashboard on the Kiosk that encourages students to work out and track their performance data.

My shipped design was able to promote student workout rates by 23% and their performance level by 4%.

Problem to Solve

Schools expect students to reach the number of 10 hrs workout per week. Currently, students workout on average 3 hrs per week, with low consistency: 44% of them maintain their workout for 3 weeks.

HOW MIGHT WE increase workout frequency and consistency?

Growth Design: how I promoted active student workouts

I incorporated behavioral design principles to promote workouts. Specifically, establishing milestones and big goals to create a sense of ownership.

Breaking down a big goal into manageable milestones encourage users to act and own their progress

Gamification: why students stayed after beginning

In my research, I discovered students workout little because school assigns them tedious and repetitive tasks. To make the process more engaging and fun, I incorporated game concepts into the mechanism. Travel themes and themed badges contextualize their workouts and attract them to commit in a long run.

Badges are earned when they complete a certain amount of tasks in a month

Tickets are workout tokens that could redeem badges

Travel Maps visualize the country they are visiting this month

Wireframing: establishing the system structure

My wireframing process includes several rounds of iterating and testing, exploring different layouts and hierarchy based on team and user feedback.

Layout Explorations

Layout Explorations

Visual Design

Final Mockups

Design System

Lessons & Future Improvement

Business Strategy

A lot of my work consists of incorporating marketing needs and designing for business increases. This allows me to design from different functional approach and strategize from the company and product levels

Proactive Communication

If I were to do this project all over again, I would engage in more active communication with different teams before design walkthroughs about their expectations and working schedules to better understand the product life cycle and think on a broader level

Cross-functional collaboration

I worked closely with PMs, engineers, the marketing team, and the testing team to present and implement the designs. I learned how to present and communicate design requirements and constraints pertinent to different functional perspectives

Thank you for reading! Feel free to check out my other projects ⬇️